Zion National Park…

Zion National Park toward the Southwest corner of Utah and it’s a pretty easy drive from the Grand Canyon. Personally, it far surpassed my experience at the Grand Canyon – and that’s saying a TON. I was thoroughly impressed with everything about Zion – the hike I did to the Upper Emerald Pool was tough but provided incredible views, the shuttle service was fantastic and efficient, the Rangers I encountered were truly helpful and the sights were just out of this world. Much like the Grand Canyon, everything just seems to be so layered – but in a vertical fashion. I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to Zion – especially so that I can do the Zion Narrows Hike – I’m definitely disappointed that I didn’t do this from the start…


The mixture of the rich, deep reds and the strong whites, along with the greens that could be found all over made for a very interesting mix throughout the Park.





I’m not sure why, exactly, but I was just captivated by the Court of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob from left to right). Perhaps it was just the detail in each and the varying colors? I’m not really sure, but I plan to be back again to investigate further…